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Mokymai profesionalams


Išplėstinis smurto artimoje aplinkoje mokymas – tai kursai profesionalams, kurių metu įgyjama žinių apie tai, kas yra prievarta šeimoje, supratimas apie jos mastą, kokį poveikį ji gali turėti aukoms ir vaikams, kaip geriausia reaguoti ir kas gali padėti. Ji taip pat apima informaciją apie smurtą, pagrįstą garbe, ir supratimą apie MARAC procesą, DASH rizikos vertinimus ir saugos planavimą.


Šiuo metu kursai vyksta internetu kas 8 savaites su specialia nuolaida – 48,99 GBP vienam delegatui ir tinka bet kuriam specialistui, kuris dirba su smurto šeimoje aukomis. Apmokėme socialinius darbuotojus, slaugytojus, akušeres, mokyklos apsaugos darbuotojus ir konsultantus.


Norėdami sužinoti daugiau ir užsisakyti vieną iš mūsų įvairių kursų profesionalams, rašykite mums el.

Čia taip pat galite užsisakyti internetu

Email: for more information or a quote

Domestic abuse awarenss training

Domestic Abuse Awareness Training

​Our Domestic Abuse Awareness Training is a CPD certified course for professionals. It includes knowledge on what domestic abuse is, what impact it may have on victims and children, the best response and who can help. It also includes information on honour-based violence and awareness of the MARAC process, DASH risk assessments, safety planning and more. Click here to see our CPD page and training available.


The course is currently running online every 8 weeks as multiagency attendance. It is suitable for any professional supporting victims of domestic abuse. 

To find out more and to book onto one of our various courses for professionals, please email us on:

  • Our training courses can all be delivered online or in person 

  • Courses can also be tailored specifically to suit organisational need. 

Please enquire for further information

0300 0120 154 or email: 

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Workplace Awareness


The Impact of Domestic Abuse on Children and Young People

Our CPD certified training is for professionals focusing on what domestic abuse is and the effects is has on children and young people. The training explores how domestic abuse may present itself, the link to extra-familial harm, peer on peer violence and child to parent violence. It concludes with how to work with children who may have experienced domestic abuse.

This training package is suitable for any professional working with children and young people.

NDAS can deliver this package to you directly in school*, or virtually, depending on your preference.

*Minimum of 5 people.


Please enquire for further information

0300 0120 154 or email: 

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Impact on children


Workplace Domestic Abuse Awareness

Everyone has the right to feel safe in their place of work, however for many this is not the case. Two women each week and one man each month are killed in England and Wales by a current or former partner. These people could be a part of your work force. 

Statistics from the 16 Days of Action Campaign show that:

  • 75% of people who endure domestic abuse are targeted at work

  • One-fifth of employed women take time off work because of domestic abuse

  • 2% lose their jobs as a direct result of abuse

  • 56% of those living with abuse are frequently late for work

  • 58% miss at least 3 days work per month due to abuse

  • 33% of all domestic violence homicides happen on workplace grounds

  • the potential loss of earnings per woman in the UK as a result of abuse having negative impacts on career progression, is estimated to be £5,800.


NDAS can support your workplace with policy writing, training needs, supporting your staff and much more.

Click here to download our workplace training leaflet for more information.


Please enquire for further information

0300 0120 154 or email: 

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kas yra

MARAC reiškia kelių agentūrų rizikos vertinimo konferenciją. MARAC yra kelių agentūrų susitikimai, kuriuose nurodomi asmenys, kuriems gresia didelė didelės žalos ar žmogžudystė.

MARAC dalyvauja atstovai iš įvairių agentūrų, įskaitant; policijos, sveikatos apsaugos, vaikų apsaugos, būsto, smurto šeimoje patarėjai, probacijos, psichikos sveikatos ir piktnaudžiavimo narkotinėmis medžiagomis specialistai.  Dalijamasi svarbia ir proporcinga informacija apie esamą riziką, siekiant nustatyti veiksmus (Rizikos valdymo planas), siekiant padidinti aukos ir kitų pažeidžiamų šalių, pvz., vaikų, saugumą ir gerovę.

Prievartos šeimoje įrankių rinkinys

Reading a Document

saugant vaikus

Nerimaujate dėl ko nors kito?

Working at home

 Treneris buvo tikrai gerai išmanantis ir aš tiek daug sužinojau  smurto šeimoje sudėtingumą ir MARAC tikslą  

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