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Donate through Givey


Did you know that there are currently 166,311 charities in the UK, but only 10% of donations go to small charities!

The good news is that we are unquestioningly a giving nation, with £10 billion worth of charitable donations made in the UK each year. However, the vast majority of these donations go to large charities with over £5 million of annual income. Despite accounting for just over 1% of all charities across the country, these large charities consume over 75% of donations.

A recent survey indicated that 53% of the British population are more likely to donate to larger organisations because they feel it’s easier and safer to do so.  That’s a worrying and big hurdle for the forgotten charities to address.

Givey is the online donations platform serving the forgotten 95% of small charities.  Their mission put simply is to level the playing field, using the opportunity of mobile / social to reach new audiences. 

Using a social donations platform that makes it easier for donors to find and give to smaller charities and local communities, donating has never been easier and GIVEY ensures that 100% of every donation goes to the cause.

To donate to NDAS though GIVEY

Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service - Online Social Fundraising Donation Platform | Givey

Or for further information on how you can set up your own fundraiser, using NDAS as your chosen charity, please click here:

Setting-up Your Givey Fundraising Page - Givey | Blog

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